PlusPlus trusted brand for innovative microfinance
Humpery Kaigi Mburu – a Kenyan entrepreneur – has a problem that many other entrepreneurs from developing countries have: he is stuck between gifts and bank loans. In 2015 he founded Sereni Fries. A company that processes potatoes into fresh potato products or crisps. With his company, Humpery provides income security for at least 2,500 small-scale potato farmers. He also invests in making the production process more sustainable by working with agronomists.
But Humpery wants to grow. And for that he needs money. You may think; a loan from the bank, isn’t that the solution then? No. Humpery is too small to meet all the bank’s high standards and too big for microcredit. There are many more promising companies in developing countries that just fall between two stools when it comes to investments.
Development organizations Solidaridad, ICCO and crowdfunding platform Lendahand saw opportunities to help these entrepreneurs and developed the new PlusPlus brand together with GRRR.
- 1Minvestments in the first 1.5 year
- 11kfarmers supported
- 194new jobs
A brand for innovative microfinance
With PlusPlus, entrepreneurs who are often caught between donations and bank loans can qualify for a loan. With this new style NGO you give money, but you don’t donate. It is a loan with which an entrepreneur can immediately make his important investment. PlusPlus focuses on equality and more respect for the entrepreneurship of these entrepreneurs. The one-way flow of donations is well-intentioned, but often all they need is a first financial push.

But then the question arises, how do we ensure that people get a good feeling about the investment? We have supported this with a clear visual identity and logo. We emphasize the professionalism of the entrepreneur. And we focus on the stories of them. This way investors can choose who they want to support. A lot more personal than when the choice is made for you!
Maar dan komt de vraag, hoe zorgen we ervoor dat mensen een vertrouwd gevoel krijgen bij de investering? Dat hebben we ondersteunt met een heldere visuele identiteit en logo. Waarbij we de nadruk leggen op de professionaliteit van de ondernemer. We zetten de verhalen van de ondernemers centraal. Zo kunnen investeerders zelf kiezen wie zij willen supporten. Een stuk persoonlijker dan wanneer de keuze voor jou wordt gemaakt!

A brand that everyone can benefit from
The central idea is that everyone can benefit: the entrepreneur in Kenya, the community around that entrepreneur, but also the investor in the Netherlands. That is the logic behind the PlusPlus brand name we created.
- Within the first 1.5 years, the platform raised 1 million investments
- With which 23 companies in 9 countries support 10,853 farmers and their families
- This created 194 new jobs
- In progress
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